Chairman's Greeting

Distinguished Members and Partners,
Since its founding, AmCham Mongolia has been dedicated to strengthening the economic and business ties between the United States and Mongolia. Over the years, the Chamber has played a pivotal role in advocating transparent and equable investment policies, promoting trade and fostering business relations between our two countries. Through advocacy, policy initiatives, and public awareness and education campaigns, AmCham has been a steadfast supporter of the private sector's growth and development.
As an organization that unites enterprises and entrepreneurs to advance Mongolia's economy, we remain unwavering in our commitment to these causes. It is crucial to highlight that non-governmental organizations like ours are not only instrumental in shaping the business landscape but also play a vital role in the broader mechanisms that drive sustainable progress and growth.
The Chamber has grown significantly since its inception, now representing over eighty member organizations across a diverse range of industries and sectors, all with direct or indirect ties to the United States. Beyond advocating for Mongolia as an attractive destination for foreign direct investment and international business partnerships, the Chamber is also recognized for its leadership in promoting Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) principles.
As we look towards 2025, I am encouraged by the Mongolian Government’s new policies to increase renewable energy installation, industrialize the mining and agricultural sectors, and address climate and environmental issues, all through greater involvement of the the private sector. I urge all members, partners and stakeholders to seize on opportunities these new policies provide, just as I urge the Mongolian Government to remain steadfast in its new approach and to move to harmonize legislation, create competitive incentives and remove roadblocks; all in order to ensure greater private sector engagement and investment in meeting the admirable and ambitious economic and social objectives set for the benefit of Mongolian society. To this end, on behalf of AmCham, I assure you that AmCham will be a strong supporter of all endeavors taken towards these ends, an outspoken critic of actions, or inactions, which can frustrate efforts to succeed, and a continuous advocate for the best business environment under which all stakeholders benefit.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing commitment to AmCham Mongolia. We look forward to continued collaboration and success in the year ahead.
Warm regards,
Randolph S. Koppa
Chairman of the Board
AmCham Mongolia
Who We Are
The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Mongolia is an independent membership-driven organization that seeks to build, strengthen, and protect business between the United States and Mongolia and to promote Mongolia as a destination for American investment actively. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce accredits AmCham Mongolia as its official affiliate in Mongolia. Based in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the largest federation in the world, with over 3 million members.